Terms of Use

Welcome to the Website http://www.showood.gr.

By visiting our Website, you agree to the terms of use below and warrant that you will use our Website and its web pages as they designate. If you wish to be free of the following terms of use, you can not access our Website and use our services.

Our Company reserves the right to modify and update these terms of use whenever it deems necessary, and possible changes to take effect from the public appearance of this Site http://www.showood.gr.

Terms and conditions

- The commercial Company is SHOWOOD I.K.E. ( Tel 210 2478811, V.A.T. number 998237927), established and headquartered in Greece, Attica, in Aharnes Ave. K. Karamanlis, number 186, and is legally represented, maintains an e-commerce site http://www.showood.gr intended for the sale and trade of products treated timber and garden items.

- Any sale of products through the above Website is governed by this text and online forms completed by the Client, which are between the Company and the Customer 'Convention.' No other agreement, oral or written, is recognized to establish a relationship between the parties concerning the purpose of the Convention.

- For the award of the Contract, the Customer communicates electronically and consents to electronic communications received by the Company in connection with it. Each electronic statement that will be sent within the Convention has total probative value and can not be subject to challenge by the Customer for the reason that it took place electronically.

- After the Agreement, the Customer must do so as required by law, good faith, and morality. Moreover, it is the duty of truth for many personal or non-information and provides the obligation and responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and personal account.

- When dealing with the Company stating that the Customer is aged eighteen (18) years or more or, if aged less than eighteen (18) years but more than thirteen (13), that is under the supervision of a parent or other parental authority, who accepts these terms. Parents and childcare practitioners who use the company website bear full responsibility resulting from such use, including any financial obligations.

- The Website's presentation for the sale of products and services has the character call to the Customer for proposal deposit orders. For this reason, such a presentation is not binding on the Corporation's availability and adequacy of displayed products and services or for the immediate execution of orders only to the extent prescribed in good faith and practices.

- Before the conclusion of the Agreement, the Customer is taking some preliminary steps. Specifically, document or attach as a site user, add products - and services wishing to basket, complete billing and shipping information in the electronic form, and then confirm the selected order. The filing of this integrated order, as follows, serves as a proposal for establishing the Convention. The first Enterprise disclaims any contractual or other liability or obligation at this preliminary stage, and the Customer has any rights.

- Upon receiving the request, the Company shall be processed and, within a reasonable time, the acceptance of this by sending the corresponding email to the Customer. This electronic letter is instead of acceptance of the Customer. It shall be deemed to have been received by him when he accesses it upon receipt of customer acceptance of the established between the parties to sell by these general conditions of sale.

- Within 24 hours of the time that can access the electronic order confirmation, the Customer may notify the Company of an error of error in the content of the quotes.

- The essential characteristics of the products for sale are described accurately, verbally and visually, within the Site. The Company shall be liable to the Client only for the actual and exact specification and bears responsibility whatsoever for the completeness thereof. The Customer is solely responsible for selecting products and their suitability to the purposes for which they choose.

- The prices shown on the Website are the exact price of the sale in the event of products and services and do not include transport costs, which are dealt with separately when filing orders.

- The Customer selects between three modes of payment. It may make a payment online with credit or debit card details. Our shop works with E.F.G. Eurobank to charge credit cards. The charge card redirects to our Website at E.F.G. Eurobank, where a secure connection will enter your credit card details. This way, you are guaranteed secure data transmission from the same bank, but we do not even know your card number. It may alternatively be deposited the same amount in the following bank accounts:

Alpha Bank: 117 00 2002 015 427, IBAN: GR62 0140 1170 1170 0200 2015 427

National Bank: 890 / 440588-92, IBAN: GR20 0110 8900 0000 8904 4058 892

Eurobank: 0026.0402.01.0200317740, IBAN: GR9202604020000010200317740

Piraeus: 5149-071363-424, IBAN: GR80 0172 1490 0051 4907 1363 424

Beneficiary: SHOWOOD I.K.E.

Once you make the deposit, he must notify the Company (by fax or a telephone call) for the latter to proceed with the preparation and shipment of the order. Finally, the Company may make payment on delivery only for some specific orders, as stated in its intention to do so, and then updated by the Company for the feasibility of delivery of this order.

- By accepting the proposal, the Customer Contract is completed, and the Company must deliver the ordered goods within ten (10) days. After delivery to the Customer, the risk of damage or loss of ordered products bears the latter. As may be stated, delivery time is approximated, and this expense is not guaranteed. Due consideration is collected after the product or service provision is delivered. The payment of the consideration is carried off unless there is a specific provision in the event of such payment by installments. The ownership of the goods sold is transferred after full payment of the outstanding fee.

- The Customer has the right to withdraw without penalty and unnecessarily from the Contract within 14 working days of receipt of the products purchased, after notice to the Corporation that the withdrawal. In case of withdrawal, they are required within the deadline to return the goods in the same condition they were received, and they shall bear the cost of returning them. The address to which they must be sent back to the products is the Company's headquarters. The purchase price refund to the Customer shall be completed within 30 days of a valid withdrawal.

- To the extent that it becomes permissible by applicable law, the respective Company denies any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may result from ordering, shipment, or use of products sold. The Company is not responsible for delays in the performance of the Contract attributable to circumstances for which they bear no responsibility or due to force majeure. If this lasts more than two (2) months, either party may terminate the Contract without penalty. In addition, the Company makes no guarantees for the commercial products sold and is not required to provide further service after the sale.

- To resolve any dispute between you and your Business, our competent courts of Athens and the applicable law are Greek, without considering the rules clash.

- If the competent court annuls any part or provision of this decision as not legitimate, valid, and enforceable, this will not affect the remaining provisions, which shall remain in force and applicable.


Both trade names, trademarks, and other distinctive features and site content http://www.showood.gr software and how to structure this, objects are the exclusive intellectual property of the Company. They are protected under Greek, EU, and international copyright laws.

Otherwise, no part of this Website may be recorded, reproduced, distributed, rented, broadcast, performed in public, or made available without the Company's express written permission.

Price changes

In our online store, the prices of the products are automatically updated daily. There may be changes in product prices without prior notice to the public. Price changes do not affect orders that have already been placed.

License and Obligations of Users

Our Business grants you a limited license to access and use the Site, whereby you can use the Contents solely for personal, non-commercial purposes. Your use of the Site will move within the framework laid down by law, good faith, and morality without violating our intellectual property rights or rights under the law to protect databases.

You may not alter or make any other interference with the content or software of the Site or any attempt to undermine the integrity of the technology and functionality. Further, you may not haul, copy, or re-use part or all of the contents of this Site.

When you visit the Site or email us, you communicate with us electronically and consent to receive our electronic communications. It would help if you also told the truth about the personal information you share with us and the obligation and responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your password and account.

Limitation of Liability

The Website http://www.showood.gr is provided to users without further guarantees for its functionality, while the use is entirely at your own risk. Although we make every effort, we can not guarantee the accuracy and validity of the information and content of our Website.

To the extent that it becomes permissible by applicable law, each Business disclaims any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may result from the incorrect use of the Site and any errors, holidays, defects, or delays in operation or transmission of this information through the internet. Additionally, we are not responsible for any damage which may occur from the use of the Site and is the result of the actions of third parties.

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

When you register at http://www.showood.gr, you will be asked for personal information such as name, surname, country, county, city, phone, email address (email), etc.

Our Company strictly follows Greek legislation on privacy compliance files. The data reported in these cases is not disclosed to third parties in any way not disclosed or is in any way exploited. These data are used only to the extent strictly necessary to fulfill the conditions and obligations of the individual services that our Company provides to its users and information support of users, informing them about the new services and products.

Exceptionally, http://www.showood.gr may disclose the personal information of users in the following cases:

- The disclosure is made to third natural or legal persons with whom the https://showood.gr/ and only to the extent strictly necessary to provide our Company's service.

- If required by law, by the court, or requested by any other government or regulatory authority.


For any further information or request you can contact to our Company as follows:


186 Karamanli Av.

PC 136 78 Axarnai, Attica


Tel: 210 2478811

Fax: 210 2478812

email: info@showood.gr