HORECA: 3 Tips for Organizing Your Beach!

Your business’s outdoor space is its image, especially during summer. It’s where your guests create summer memories and enjoy carefree moments.

In this article, you’ll find 3 tips on choosing the right beach furniture that you’ll enjoy for many years!

Organization is key

Umbrellas and sun loungers are essential for any organized beach. They seem to be the A and Z for a HORECA business, but you must not overlook the details that make a difference.

Bench with canopy 70 x 200cm

Trash bins are very important for the aesthetics and hygiene of the area.

The SHOWOOD wooden beach trash bin is resistant to moisture and wear from use and time. It has been pressure-treated to prevent fungi while also helping to avoid decay. It is made from beautiful, sturdy wood but can also be painted in the shade you desire to match your unique outdoor space.

Everything in order

Relaxing by the sea knows no bounds. Your guests might make small “rearrangements” to fit the whole group or catch the last ray of sunshine in the afternoon, and it’s common to need reorganization after each departure.

Choosing furniture specifically designed for easy movement and storage is something to watch out for.

All SHOWOOD beach furniture is designed for HORECA businesses and offers flexibility and practicality, making space management easier for staff and guests.

The difference is in the details.

The difference is always in the details, and guests enjoy staying in a business that listens to and cares for their needs.

The beach or pool is always the perfect idea for hot summer days! However, while we enjoy their coolness, salt or chlorine can be annoying on the skin. The SHOWOOD beach shower allows guests to enjoy the water even when they’re not swimming and be holiday-carefree.

The beach walkway is not just a path connecting your business to the beach, it is the key to providing organized and easy access to every point in your establishment. It offers stable ground and, most importantly, stays cool even in direct sunlight.

With proper organization and the right choice of furniture, your beach can transform into a destination of absolute relaxation and enjoyment for your guests. Invest in quality and practicality, paying attention to the details that make a difference. Ensure your guests have unforgettable summer moments and want to return again and again. Upgrade your beach today with SHOWOOD products and watch your business flourish!

Discover all the products that will help you upgrade your business here.