Prefabricated Wooden Houses: Everything You Need to Know

Discover the beauty and practicality of garden wooden houses, which harmoniously combine cost and aesthetics.

Garden wooden houses, also known as “prefabricated wooden houses,” have become increasingly popular in recent years, and rightly so! In this article, we answer everything you need to know before investing in a garden wooden house.

wooden house

Installation Cost

Starting with the cost, garden wooden houses are an economically affordable solution. The final construction cost depends on the size, the quality of the wood, and the additions you choose. At SHOWOOD, we have options for every budget, with many wooden houses in various dimensions and sizes!

Why are they so affordable?

Although prefabricated wooden houses are more inexpensive than conventional or prefabricated homes, it doesn’t mean they lack quality. Their low price mainly comes from the speed of construction and the reduction in labor requirements.

Modern Wooden House

A common and reasonable question concerns the permits needed for construction, as is the case for any building that will be installed on a plot requiring a permit. The permit you need is a standard permanent construction building permit, with the difference being that the cost of this permit is significantly lower than for conventional buildings due to reduced insurance contributions.

Durability and Safety

Another critical question is about durability and safety. What kind of resistance and safety does a wooden, prefabricated house ultimately provide?

Earthquake Resistance: One of the most exciting properties of wooden constructions is their high resistance to earthquakes. Due to its mechanical strength and elasticity, wood can absorb and manage seismic forces much better than many other materials. This means wooden houses can be safe and durable, even in areas with frequent earthquakes.

Fire Resistance: A myth we often hear is that wooden constructions do not withstand fire. However, modern construction and wood processing methods ensure remarkable fire resistance. The wooden elements are constructed to allow self-protection and preservation of the wood’s mechanical strengths, even in cases of fire.

All our wooden houses meet the building regulations and specifications of the European Union and Greece to offer you the safety and quality you need!

Wooden House

Contact us today and let our team guide you step by step in choosing and installing your own SHOWOOD wooden house!

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